Team Update


It’s been an unexpected year to say the least but we’re feeling quite lucky to still be growing this business that we’ve given everything to.  At Sarah Noel Interiors, our ultimate cause is providing the highest quality service in luxury staging and interior design.  Our intentions to bring ease to the often stressful process of families transitioning from one home to another never waivers.  Each role we develop is in service of meeting those goals. 

Our team has developed as our business has matured and evolved.  Sarah Lewis continues to both artfully design spaces and lead the shop.  Lucky for us, ever-adaptable Kayt Morris agreed to join SNI as Project Coordinator.  Together, we are creative and nimble, often wearing many hats to meet the demands of a small business.  As the saying goes, many hands make short work.  In our case, many hands make room for getting more work done with style and impact.  The possibilities for taking excellent care of our clients has expanded and elevated.  

The best part?  Each of us gets to prioritize what we do best.  Sarah’s creations can shine while Kayt’s coordination efforts provide a solid foundation.  We can often be found unpacking accessories while simultaneously giggling and strategizing.  The beautiful spaces found in our stagings and interior designs speak volumes to the benefits of freed up skill sets and good chemistry. 

Please visit our About page to learn more about Sarah and Kayt.  

Need more inspiration? Check us out Instagram or email to inquire about customizing your own space.

We’d love to hear from you!  

TeamKayt Morris